Portrait Paintings

Sander Kletter, Tic Tac Toe, oil on canvas and chalk on a blackboard, (9) x 90 x 90 cm, installation contained in a wooden beam frame, total size: 294 x 294 cm
The largest portrait, and also the largest work of art, I have ever made is the Tic Tac Toe installation. It was only exhibited once at the Open Haven Museum in Amsterdam in 1991. It was then dismantled and the 4 portraits were separated from each other. In the center is a surreal self-portrait. The bottom row contains free interpretations of three self-portraits. The original paintings were made by great Dutch artists from art history that I admire: Rembrandt (left), Mondriaan (middle) and Van Gogh (right). View the four portraits from the installation below on this page.
In addition to a free selection of the portraits I have done, which can be seen on this page, I have also done a large number of commissioned portraits. I still do this!
Sander Kletter, October 2023
My biggest group portrait

Sander Kletter, Self-portrait (Tic Tac Toe),
oil on linen, 90 x 90 cm

Sander Kletter, Rembo (Portrait of Rembrandt, Tic Tac Toe), oil and industrial spray paint on linen, 90 x 90 cm, private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Vasse, Zuidhorn (The Netherlands)

Sander Kletter, Mondriaan (Tic Tac Toe),
oil on linen, 90 x 90 cm

Sander Kletter, Van Gogh (Tic Tac Toe),
oil on linen, 90 x 90 cm

Sander Kletter, Auto-retrato (estudo preliminar Tic-Tac-toe), carvão e giz siberiano sobre papel, 65 x 50 cm

Sander Kletter, Portrait of the Moroccan painter Moh.,
mixed media on paper, 74 x 49 cm

Sander Kletter, Portrait of Marisol, unfinished, oil on linen, 90 x 80 cm

Sander Kletter, Portrait of Anton Assies,
washed ink on paper, 29 x 23 cm

Sander Kletter, Portrait study of a Brazilian girl, charcoal and chalk on wrapping paper, 100 x 75 cm

Sander Kletter, Jennifer, washed ink on paper, 20 x 29 cm,
private collection Mrs. A. de Groot, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Sander Kletter, Orly (portrait study), charcoal and pastel on paper, 50 x 65 cm

Sander Kletter, Portrait study, charcoal and chalk on wrapping paper, 74 x 49 cm, private collection Mr. A. de Visser, Hulst (The Netherlands)